December 17, 2008

"Street by street, blog by blog, taking it all back"

Punk Planet is no more. Boardstein has ceased to exist. Slap is no longer a print magazine. GLW/DRK, well... GLW/DRK is on holidays. Or something.

When the Slap staff decided to go all online, Lance Dawes said, "
...our favorite thing was trying something new, experimenting, failing miserably and sometimes doing something cool that no one else had done yet."

Well, GLW/DRK was never about innovation or doing particularly new things, but since we haven't published a new issue in well over a year, it's about time to put on our shitkickers and kick some shit again. Blogging, oh how very modern. Stay tuned, motherfuckers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

besser als mit einem firestorm-zitat kann man einen blog heute de facto nicht mehr starten. respect.