December 20, 2008

Joey Cape - Bridge

I never liked Lagwagon. In fact, I hated them with a passion that's reserved for Refused these days. Or certain "hardcore" bands from my city. Or your band. And no, I can never forgive Lagwagon for shaping that 90s "melody-core" sound. Not only did it spawn approximately nine gazillion faceless clone bands, nope... do you remember the fashion crimes back in the day? Baggy shorts with chain wallets, XL t-shirts, and backpacks. Ugh. Back in 1981, when he still went by the name of Henry Garfield, Rollins already said "I hate the kids". Where can I sign?

So now, in 2008, when no one even gives half a shit about his crappy band anymore, Joey Cape does what every other aging punk rocker does: release a solo record. Yawn. Admittedly, there's a handful of people who can pull that off, but there's a whole lot more who just suck. Mister Cape is somewhere in between, with strong tendencies towards the latter category. Bridge is not quite as vomit inducing as I expected it to be, but it's still boring and stale like three day old beer. Seriously, some hippies with acoustic guitars playing "Rocking In The Free World" or even "Like a Rolling Stone" in the city center put more passion into their music than he does. If it wasn't for his Lagwagon, he'd be flipping burgers. Thanks, but no thanks.

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