Hitch is one of the most underrated bands in Europe ever. They have been around for 15 years now, and that's a a lot longer than your crappy band will ever be playing - that, and Hitch have the dedication necessary for pulling it all off. But let me give you an example: let's say three kids start a band. 99% of them just can not rock tight enough with even the most sophisticated studio tricks and five million guitar tracks. They want instant gratification instead. They want a record, they want a tour, they want to be all the rage on every "cool" messageboard. That's boring. Because even the most "punk" bands are conservative beyond belief. Instant crowd pleaser: Negative Approach cover song. Secret recipe for five minutes of fame: super limited colored vinyl. Style maybe, substance no.
And this is exactly what makes Hitch more punk than most punk bands, regardless of the musical style. They just play whatever feels natural. And it sounds great! Of course this kind of greatness isn't everybody's definition of "great", but sure enough it rocks my boat. Clair Obscur combines the sexyness of Girls Against Boys, the post rock tightness of Quicksand, a little bit of Steve Albini worship, the rock urgency of Drive Like Jehu, and of course it sounds like Fugazi every now and then. And seriously, I don't care whether or not you will dig this. Because Hitch have been around when you were still swimming in daddy's nutsack, and Hitch will still be a force to be reckoned with when you finally get what's up and start looking for their records on Ebay. In the meantime, I will blast Clair Obscur at full volume - because it's one hell of an album. Because it makes me happy. Because it fucking rocks. Thanks, Hitch.